Soul Loss as Entropy

Entropy is a force of chaos that drives life forward yet feeds on death.  Nature makes peace with entropy, softening it with grace through its complex systems of decay and renewal. Humans, however, struggle to master a holistic perspective that is vast enough to foresee the consequences of our conveniences – thus our lives and our energy spin off into waste and pollution.

Remember microbeads, and the damage they can do to ocean life? Now they’re talking about microfibers from synthetic clothing being even worse, and unfortunately that’s been around for decades. These are examples of entropy. It’s trash heaps, air and water filled with contaminants, and nature thrown out of balance with it.

Yet nature left on its own dances with entropy beautifully.

There is another side to entropy that we must tackle first: and it’s personal. We must learn to notice entropy in our own lives and souls. On this level, entropy is often expressed as wastes of energy and a lack of personal authenticity. Lacking the discipline of authenticity we are too easily broken down into pieces – which is a way of looking at the shamanic idea of soul loss. Soul loss is personal entropy in action.

And I’d say that entropy is the biggest threat we ever face.  Yet we just have to look to nature and spirit to see how to live with it gracefully.

To repair our personal entropy, we must be in right relationship with spirit’s ecosystem. We must gather back our soul parts. We must learn to make good decisions about our energy. Before we all do this as human beings, all the activism in the world will not solve humanity’s environmental problems of entropy.


Ladybug appeared to me as an unexpected helping spirit last night, and when I looked up her meaning, I was delighted to find joy and truths that made much sense for me now!

Ladybug may be a tiny being, but she is full of fortune and gentle grace, denoting good luck and the deep wonder of the universe.

So to honour ladybug I made these little polymer clay versions on bobby pins this morning!

It’s Always Something!

It’s always something, isn’t it? There is a theory that in life your key levels of fulfillment — things like mental health, physical health, financial stability, and social involvements — can never be all maximized at the same time. It’s the idea that nothing is ever perfect, because in perfection there is no learning or growing, and I imagine it would be very boring too.

So naturally, when I recently started to feel on top of my game spiritually and mentally, and I had some success with my Etsy, I immediately got sick and then my computer blew up and refused to boot at all.

Such is the path of life! I think we’d do best to take the ups and downs as a thrill ride instead of always trying to get somewhere.

Art is Subjective

I’ve had some facebook comments remarking on the expense of my needle felting work. I get it, because art is subjective and stuffed toys at Walmart are cheap (but still pretty cute!). Also, I think needle felting is a bit of a mystery to many people. I don’t even know how to properly explain what I do. It takes days of solid work. Basically, I turn this:


Into this:


Using only a couple barbed needles:


The rest is imagination and skill and patience.

I’ve seen similar needle felted giraffes go for $500 or even $1000. I try to keep my prices as low as possible while still reflecting the art involved. I don’t believe in charging for my time, but I do price according to quality. It’s a big world and art isn’t for everyone — and the stuffed toys at Walmart ARE fabulous if that’s what you’re after!

But don’t come at the artists too harshly. The world needs us too!

My Etsy shop is here: