Needle Felted Giraffe Commission

I just finished this felted giraffe! Is anyone else watching April at the Animal Adventure Park’s Giraffe Live Cam?

I am open to making more. Please visit my Etsy here:

Or email me at

Embracing Wild Gratitude

Gratitude aligns your heart with the universe and changes your life. What are you grateful for?

I’m always grateful for Willow, the treasure of my life, and yesterday was a good example of why she is such a shining light. We found out I need a root canal on a front tooth which is infected, and she was up at 10:30 in the morning making me my favourite meal (rainbow trout!) in case I couldn’t eat later. Her caring knows no bounds. She told the dental team about me being an abuse survivor so they would be gentle, and got lots of pudding for me and my inner kids to enjoy. All this she does like a daily routine, just loving us.

Happy Things

I’ve been struggling…I’ve been sick a lot, and feeling like I can’t accomplish much at all. But I wanted to share some things that help make me smile!

April the Giraffe is going to give birth any day now…and you can watch her on a live cam.

This video takes great dance moments from old movies and sets them to Uptown Funk with amazing results.

Awakening 2012 — A Message of Hope might sound like an outdated spiritual film, but it is so uplifting and beautiful…forget 2012, it’s about now.

<p><a href=”″>2012 – A Message of Hope</a> from <a href=”″>lampa</a&gt; on <a href=””>Vimeo</a&gt;.</p>