You Are Worthy of Love

You are more worthy of love right now than whatever you think you need to become in order to be worthy of love.

If you think you are an exception, please keep reading.

Maybe you think you are ugly. You think you would love yourself more if you were thinner, had better teeth, better hair. But would you cry over an elderly dog with mange, and whisper love into his eyes, all ideas of beauty be damned?

Maybe you think you aren’t a good person. You think you would love yourself if you were wiser, more compassionate and kind. But wouldn’t a wiser, more compassionate person wrap you up in a silent embrace of pure loving kindness, all judgment be damned?

Maybe you think you are a waste of time. You think you would love yourself if you did more and lived up to your potential. But wouldn’t you hold a baby and think she need do nothing more than exist, loving her so hard, all ideas of achievement be damned?

You are more worthy of love right now because you NEED love right now. That’s how it works. That’s the only way it works.

If you need love right now, please do the right thing. Ask for it, give love to yourself, and accept love from others. I promise you are worthy.