A Letter From The Universe

To An Old Soul;

You are not being punished. Admittedly this place will hurt you. However, we expect you will find ways to make it better — not just for your own comfort’s sake, but to help others who also live here. 

Time is still precious, of course, but here you must give nearly all of yours as dues for daring to exist in the first place. Breathing is still free but very little else in terms of your bodily requirements. Do you begin to understand? Here, you will feel you ought not to exist. The one thing you are surely innocent of causing — the fact you have a body and mind — will be considered suspect. You are leasing your life, in a sense, and you will likely have to leverage most of your life’s hours just to afford it. 

You will be taught much — oh, so much! — but not how to cope with the strain and pain of your labour; not how to feel as though you and everyone else deserve to be here. It will be tempting to sleep or otherwise distract your mind from the absurdity of this place. It will get into you like a chill at night. If you remember this message, you must reject everything this place has ever told you and hold fast to what feels only obvious in your heart. 

You may come to feel that nothing matters at all, since life is treated like a crime. People all around you will feel this too, even if they do not know that the world at large is a parody of worthwhile existence. We cannot guarantee you will remember this message, dear soul. We pray you will seek meaning, and perhaps even come to realize that by seeking “meaning” you are asking for a reason to go on living instead of finding a way out. 

You want a reason for going through the effort and the pain. Pet possibilities — like gods and mystical answers — may not satisfy you. In this case you must choose to create your own feeling that life is worth it, because you know it is. You know that if life were valued here the way you feel it ought to be, it would be beautiful, remarkable, perfect. 

That means you know that life is worth it. 

We hope you will go forth on a mission of life-cherishing. There will be no shortage of other souls who need help cherishing their own lives, and we hope you will be moved to aid them. You may try to change the world if you wish. But your own mind’s freedom is your utmost responsibility. Do not be deceived and do not behave as if you believe the absurdities of a worthless life. Stand out in radical devotion to your worth, and the worth of all Being. 

We will meet again. Be brave — in this life and the eternal thereafters.

Living Your Life’s Purpose

Imagine reaching a place in your spiritual growth when everything becomes easy. You’ve achieved peaceful enlightenment!

Or, not. Chances are these “highs” have been terrible times in your life. Times when you felt bored, passionless, lethargic and desperate for a spiritual fix. This is what happens when the your spiritual path becomes too easy, too familiar.

If you were playing a video game, would you appreciate it if the final 5 levels were as easy as the first? Or would it seem like a let down, too boring, not worth your time?

Every time you hit a spiritual high, the satisfaction peaks for a while — and then drops. You probably think you fell off your path. You didn’t. You didn’t even plateau. You just got used to the incline.

Your life’s purpose isn’t a goal you can reach. It’s not a state you can maintain. It’s the constant call to keep challenging yourself.

Ultimately, if you’re following a path, that means you’re not creating it. You can’t do much to challenge yourself here but wait or take a detour to different ground.

However, if you’re creating your path, rejoice in these seemingly passionless times. They are true victories. They are those moments when everything becomes easy. Now you know you can create an even more challenging journey.