Nurturing Your Inner Child

I’m drained; I’ve been working a lot, and though I enjoy it, I need a break and some spark of laughter or excitement. In moments like these, I turn to my inner kids. What do they need? How can I bring their spirit of fun into my heart right at this moment?

Often it is as simple as just connecting.

I use Pinterest to express the various parts of my personality, so when I need some inspiration I can just check out one of my inner kids’ boards, like this one:  Looking at the posts really reminds me of the ease with which children find delight in the simplest of things.

Simple crafts are another way I engage with my inner kids. Embrace the freedom of your inner child and don’t be afraid to enjoy something that seems childish, even toys or colouring with crayons or playing on a swing set. Celebrate it!

This is a photo of “the guys”, our favourite stuffies: Hammy, Poo, and Dee Dee. Looking at this, how can I not smile and feel comforted? By nurturing my inner kids, I heal and take good care of myself — as well as them.

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