September and October Algonquin Park Adventures

I made a video compilation of my two Algonquin Park trips in September and October! We were lucky to see a variety of wildlife and have some very cool encounters. The music in this video was written/sang/produced by me — if you like it, check out my youtube for many more songs!

The Spirit of Algonquin

At the end of April we went to Algonquin Park and enjoyed a beautiful time of wildlife viewing. It means a lot to me to connect with nature and animals, so when I saw a moose get spooked by a loud truck, I instinctively put out my arm and said, “It’s okay.” The moose had abruptly moved to bolt, but now stopped instead to gaze at me, and then went back to drinking from a little stream. It was an amazing feeling.

Here is a video compilation of the trip’s highlights, with music composed by me.

An Autumnal Algonquin Adventure

Willow and I went to Algonquin Park, as we like to do, in late Fall when most of the leaves have already turned and come down from the trees. This time of year has the benefit of fewer people in the Park (the colours attract a lot of traffic), and also the magical ability to see deeper into the forest while we drive, looking for moose. We saw otters playing, a curious mink, moose aplenty, and were complete sated with the joys of nature. We took A LOT of photos…these really are “just a few”!

Algonquin Adventure in June

We don’t usually go to Algonquin Park in June, due to heat and bugs — both of which are too much for us to bear. But we had some business to attend to up north so naturally we made a trip out of it. We ended up seeing a whopping 23 moose! The key to our moose success was getting up at 2:30am to drive through highway 60 just as dawn was coming up. 5:30-7:30am is the perfect moosing hour.